...providing recruitment and talent acquisition solutions with strategic and customized approach



Below is a list of Job Search Tools that might assist you in your career search. 

If you have additional questions or are looking  for more information, give us call.    

 Writing a Resume:  www.zolio.com
 Social Media Networking: www.mashable.com
 Cost of Living Calculator:  www.bestplaces.net
 Relocation Help:  www.homefair.com
 Job Search Tools:  www.quintcareers.com
 Searching  Multiple Job Boards:  www.indeed.com or www.simplyhired.com
 Cleveland:   www.positivelycleveland.com

 To send your resume to DYNAMIX GROUP, LLC. email it to:  Management@DYNAMIX-GROUP.com 

 Your resume will be kept confidential.  You will be called as possible career opportunities arise that match your
 professional credentials.